Thursday, December 8, 2016

A Busy, Fun Day

I got to start my day doing things I love, canning and baking.
I made 12 jars of Apple Butter and 16 loaves of pumpkin bread.
Some of them are being gifted tomorrow, some later.
The house smelled so good. Imagine...cinnamon, cloves and nutmeg times two. In the oven and bubbling on the stove. 
Then at noon, my sweet DIL Lialani came over to give me a pedicure. This sweet girl has been doing this for me for at least 7 or 8 years. She does a wonderful job and it makes me feel so pampered plus it's about 1 1/2 hours of good catch-up time for us.
Just when I thought it couldn't get any better, my Mr.SS came in with a surprise. I didn't think we had any roses left on our bushes, but he found 5 late bloomers. Two red, two lavender and one yellow. The lavender ones smell so, so good. As he always does when he brings in roses, he said "Will you accept this rose?" He knows my obsession for The Bachelor. (I know, not a good thing to reveal about me, but I do watch)
Yesterday morning this is what the "new" front of our house looked like.
Today Mr. SS hung the Christmas wreath on my...
New Red Door.
Oh yes, it was a fun, busy day and  now time to
close this and go to bed.
Merry Christmas everyone.



  1. Your red door is the perfect finishing touch for the makeover of your home. I keep catching myself thinking I need to drive by to see it, then remember I don't live there anymore. :( I'm so glad you chose to do it in red and that you found the perfect shade.

    Your mini loaves and apple butter are so fun. I remember when we used to make the apple butter together a hundred years ago.

    Merry Christmas.

  2. Sounds and looks just about perfect!

  3. Wonderful! Wish I lived closer ao I could drive by like Suzanne would have!

  4. Love your red door! Awe...what a sweet DIL! I need a pedi so bad! Girl, I would say you have been a busy bee. Hugs and blessings, Cindy
