We need a new computer, but right now I just had a tech come and help me update this one so I could load pictures from my phone.
Here goes.
I'm starting with the decorating of my entry way. Lots of inspiration on social media led me to think I wanted to decorate it for Halloween before I do my traditional Fall and Thanksgiving. Also two years ago, I made a Halloween bench pillow that just sat on the bench by itself because I had no other Halloween decorations.
I really struggled for a couple of weeks. I shopped and nothing seemed right. I finally decided on a black and white scheme as the pillow has a lot of black and white. Then there is my white wicker bench and white shelf. But nothing was working or coming together. Then my friend Suzanne said something that really resonated with me as I was just not coming up with anything. She said "It's because you don't like Halloween". Well, I guess she knows me better than I know myself. I was loving seeing all the clever Halloween decorations on social media, but they just weren't me and my entry.
I found this Black and White throw on Amazon really cheap! It's scratchy and not cozy at all, but perfect for my bench.
This little quilt I had made a couple of weeks earlier was perfect for over the bench and added some much needed color.
Now when I went shopping I had a plan and it all came together. I found a few things at Hobby Lobby and some at Beverly Fabrics. The rest I just shopped from my own stash.
This wall is directly in front of the door when you open it. The bench and shelf is back to the right of the door. I usually have blue and white dishes here, a welcome sign and a couple of pictures, so I tried to use the nails that were there. Decorating around our alarm system is a challenge.
Mr. SS put this shelf up for our first Christmas in the house, so I always decorate it for the holidays.
I found this at HL and have always wanted a Gather sign. I will use it after Halloween somewhere else in the house.
I had the white pumpkin and think the polka dot one came from Marshall's. I planned on using gauze on the shelf, but forgot to pick some up, so used a fabric I had. I always like to add a candy jar so I have something to put another bow on.
Love this sequined black pumpkin and not sure why I picked up the jar. I guess I was getting my spooky on or trying.
The checked plates were from HL.
You will find this little bear and chair in my house somewhere at all times. It's very sentimental to me, and I just change his bow accordingly.
One of the things I love about my bench pillow.
So, Boo, a black cat, fabric called Spooky Delights (used for the little quilt), a black pumpkin, a spooky black crow on a jar and a lot of Black and White checks is about as spooky as this girl gets, but I am so pleased whenever I look over at this corner.