Friday, April 23, 2010


This looks like a really bad piece of photography, but it was pouring down rain and I took this through my window.
This is the view outside my window where I sit at my sewing machine. The wind was blowing like crazy and then the rain.  I grabbed my camera, thinking I should have taken this when the sun was shining.  We don't usually have a lot of rain in Bakersfied, so it is always needed.
So as I was thanking God for a rain storm and praying that it not mess up my flower beds too much, I  thanked him for the sunshine that made those same flowers grow and be so pretty for our Easter Egg hunt.
Then I realized how much I take for granted. I love my flower beds and take care to make them as pretty as I can, but with out the Sun and the Rain that our Lord provides, they would look pretty pathetic. So thank you Lord.
I don't have any other pretty pictures today and I don't always express myself well, but just wanted to say how I don't want to take life for granted.
My DIL who has the six kids is a nurse and takes care of babys in the nursery that need special care.  She and I were talking about how much God blessed us with all healthy babies in our family.  I am so blessed that all my family is healthy and I don't want to take that for granted. Thank you Lord for our health.
Do you get how I am thinking? I take way too much for granted.  I am going to spend more time in prayer thanking the Lord for things I haven't thanked him for often enough.
I take too much for granted.


Sewn With Grace said...

Hi Beverly! I love the picture. From my computer it looks like you have added special effects and it's pretty! I think I take a lot for granted. I need to work more on cultivating a heart of thankfulness. It's good we keep learning and wanting to change. Have a great Sunday!

A Gardner's Cottage said...

Hi Beverly...My name is Nancy and I came to your lovely blog through Sewn With Grace. I too take way to many things for granted and I think I completely get what you are thinking. Thanks so much for the gentle reminder. Enjoy your day.

Dogmom Diva said...

Hi Beverly, great post..I know I take so many things for granted..thanks for the reminder to literally stop and smell the flowers!