Wednesday, October 20, 2010

One Year Anniversary

Just came from my friend Gail's blog, "Victorian at Heart". She is celebrating her one year blogaversary with a great giveaway. It is a decorated Victorian at Heart tote bag full of goodies.
Be sure to go over there and enter and take a look at her blog. You will be glad you did.
Gail and I have been friends for over 35 years.
When I read she has had her blog for a year, I had to go back and see when my first post was, because  unknown to each other, we started about the same time.
Guess what!!
Today, one year ago, I posted for the first time.
Sorry, I don't have a giveaway prepared, but I promise if I can think of something soon, I will do another giveaway. The one I did for my 100th post was fun to plan and I want to do it again. Soon....

Having a blog has been so rewarding and changed my life in many ways.
1.  I can brag about my grandkids.
  2.  I have met so many new friends.
                             3.  I have learned a lot more about using a computer.
              4.  I can share about the things I love to do.
                                                   5.  I have a new appreciation for my camera (well, maybe not my  
          camera, but the camera in general.)
              6.  I look at all things with a different eye. 
                                                     7.  This may seem like a strange thing to say, but I think I have more self confidence.                 
                                 8.  I have learned so much from reading all your blogs.
                                                  9.  I am more motivated to finish things so I can share about them.
                                                     10. I have tried new things, because I have seen them on your blogs.

This list has a lot of "I"s in it, but even if there was no My Sew Sweet Studio, I would be reading and being blessed and rewarded by your blogs and friendships.
Thanks for a great first year. I appreciate each one of you who comment or who read and don't leave a comment.
A special thank you to my friend Suzanne from Notes From the Patch. Her's was the first blog I read and she encouraged me to start my own.

Don't forget to click here and enter to win the giveaway at Victorian at Heart.

P.S. I promise, those numbers above line up so perfectly in my draft. I guess I have more to learn about this computer thing. Just when I think I've got it, I am humbled.


Carolyn said...

Hi Beverly!

I had to chuckle when I saw your numbers many times that has happened to me and I try to go back and see what in the world I did wrong....but yet on the "behind-the-scenes" page everything is just fine... :D

I will have to go check out your dear friends blog!

Hugs, Carolyn ~ Cottage Sunshine

Annelies said...

Yes....computers can humble ALL of us (G)!!! I agree about blogging. I was afraid it was self indulgent. You know...all about ME ME ME!!! But I too have made friends, found motivation to do things I would not do, deepened my faith and found blessings all over the place. One being YOU!!!! XXX

Suzanne said...

I agree with all ten reasons to love writing a blog. For me I'd add:

11. The importance of sharing. Sharing ones faith and knowing how much others care.

12. By writing, it helps me sort out my feelings and thoughts. A public journaling if you will. I feel so much more connected to others through my writing and though reading others.

13. Reconnecting with old friends like you.

14. I wouldn't trade this whole experience for anything!

I'm glad to know you love blogging as I do. Happy Anniversary!

Sally said...

It doesn't seem like its been a year, Beverly! I have so enjoyed your blog. All of your thoughts, recipes, and wonderful pictures have been so enjoyable to read. What a wonderful collection of memories for your family. Congratulations on your first year -- Your blog is wonderful! So glad you have enjoyed it too! Be blessed my friend.
Love ya!
Love ya!

Sally said...

Somehow I got two "love ya's"! So I double "love ya"! :)

P.S. Sometime I would love to come up with some definitions for the word verifications they make us type. I think it would be a crack-up.

Sewn With Grace said...

Happy Blogaversary, Beverly! So glad I found your blog all those months ago. I love blogging too and making friends like you!