Friday, April 29, 2011

My Thirty Year Check-Up

I say this, because it has been 30 years since I saw a dentist. I am embarrassed to tell anyone that, but if this post motivates just one person to visit their dentist, it will be worth it.

There wont't be any of my "pretty" pictures to go along with this post. The only pictures I saw today weren't very pretty.

I could make a list of excuses that we have all used from time to time to avoid something as unpleasant as seeing a dentist.  We never had insurance until recently. Our childrens dental health came first. Money or the lack of it. Time or the lack of it. Avoiding the pain or the discomfort involved. Laziness. However, my main excuse was that I have strong, straight and for the most part healthy teeth. I knew they needed to be cleaned and whitened, but with a couple of exceptions I had no pain or problems....I thought

But lurking behind and between teeth and under the gums of those strong teeth was an ugly disease. I have Periodontal Disease and have already lost bone. Eventually I would lose teeth. The description of the treatment and follow up check-ups really gives me chills and it wouldn't have been nearly as bad if they had caught it sooner.  I am a good toothbrusher, but don't floss, but was told I could get this no matter how good I flossed or brushed. Regular check-ups could have prevented this.

I believe that things happen for a reason.  A couple of years ago, Mr. SS had to have extensive work done including expensive crowns and and upper denture. At the time we had no insurance and had to pay for it out of pocket.  Yesterday, he asked me to find out who to call under our policy to have his denture repaired.
When I called the receptionist said, "We have two openings in the morning at 7:00am, can you both come in?"  Well, I didn't have time to think, and said, "Sure".

Now, I have to tell you, there is more work needed than the visit to the hygenist next month. I need a few crowns on cracked teeth...after all these teeth are 64 yrs. old. I need a root canal done on one of the few teeth that had a filing. Ouch! I'm being honest here and telling you, I am not looking forward to that. That will be done in a couple of weeks, and a front tooth needs a new filing and crown.

Honestly, I am so relieved that I finally went and feeling like soon my mouth will be healthy.

Another thing I saw two days ago, probably had something to do with me making that appointment.
Oprah had Bob Greene who has a new book called 20 Years Younger on her show. I'm not a big Oprah fan, but wanted to see her last shows. It involves nutrition, exercise and skin care. I am going to get the book this weekend. I think the skin care would be great, but I have been using Mary Kay Cosmetics for almost 35 years and her skin care program has worked well for me. I plan on really concentrating on the nutrition part. Not only do I need to loose weight, but they talked about it helping chronic pain and I think Mr. SS's arthritis pain could possibly be lightened.
So, I guess that impoving the health and appearance of my teeth just worked into the 20 Years Younger theme too.

Sorry this is so wordy and not a "pretty" post, but I just needed to come clean and hope that if any of you are procrastenating about a trip to the dentist or the the doctor, for that matter, that you will be inspired to pick up that phone.

By the way, I do have regular Doctor check-ups and have ever since my Sixteen Year Check-Up.
(My last son was 16 when I had my first doctor's appointment after his birth)
The doctor walked in and said "I see you are here for your 16 year checkup" Yes, she did!!
I haven't missed a check-up, mammogram, pap or anything else since.
Do you see a pattern broken.

God is Good!!
Life is Good!!


Dogmom Diva said...

Beverly, are you sure you and I are not twins separated at birth..?? I am also in need of major dental work..I will call Monday and get it started..If you can do it, so can I!
hugs and love

Suzanne said...

Good for you for taking care of your teeth and your health! I think the unknown is the scariest part. For me the actual procedure is far easier than the anticipation. Root canals are a piece of cake. Don't listen to anyone who tells you otherwise. You'll be just fine and have a beautiful white and healthy smile to prove it.