Sunday, December 2, 2012


I can't post pictures. When I try, I get a prompt that my Picasa  Web Album is at 100% and that I have to purchase more space. Does anyone who is reading my blog know about this. Or have you experienced the same thing. I went to the links on the prompt and one of them said I had only used 57%. I tried reading about others who have asked this question, but could not find an answer.
It's a good thing my last post had no pictures, but I want to post pictures and am feeling so frustrated right now.
I am working on Christmas skirts for my girls so may have to wait until they are done to look any further in to this unless someone has an idea of what I can do or how I can contact someone to help.
Again...HELP!, if you can. I'd love to hear from you.

God is Good!!
Life is Good!!


Suzanne said...

Do you have to use Picasa with Blogger? I used to use Picasa but now edit my photos in PicMonkey. I love the program and it's free. You might try editing them in PicMonkey and uploading them from there, bypassing Picasa all together. I feel your pain!

PamKittyMorning said...

I had that happen as well. I didn't end up buying more space, as it's distributed among google features I don't use. Try posting them on flickr.. You have up to 300 pictures before you have to purchase.

Annelies said...

Sweet girl...I have NO idea, but you do have ALL my sympathy!!!! All things computer are beyond my capability to understand. I just pretend there are sweet fairies that make it all appear. I guess there are some ogres too. Hope you are up soonest. Your posts always inspire me. cool is it that PKM wrote you on your blog. WOW!!!!

Anonymous said...

It is beyond me! I am having problems even getting into my blog! Old account, new accounts, blogger, google...all this computer stuff and I am about ready to delete it all and start over! Good luck to you with your posting! Mercy! Tech stuff is great when it works! Hugs and blessings, Cindy