Sunday, May 8, 2016

Happy Mother's Day

"Mothers hold their children's hands for a short while, but their hearts forever." —Unknown:

I know it's almost over, but  I wanted to wish all of you a Happy Mother's Day.
Hope you got to relax and enjoy family as I did.

Mr. SS asked what I wanted to do for Mother's Day. Besides spending time with family, I wanted to go to church. Because two grand boys play travel league baseball, we miss a lot of Sundays going to church.
As much as I love the games, I was happy to attend church this morning.

Then home for a late breakfast and a little napping  relaxing, and over to our youngest son's house for an early dinner and family fun. Middle son and his family were there too. I was happy to get a call from my oldest as he had to work.

As soon as we got there, we got escorted  to the back of the property to meet new members of the family.
Camy has two, Romeo and Juliet
Brooke on the left with Penelope and Emmy on the right. I'm having a senior moment and her little friends name just slipped my mind.
Anyway they are all going to show them at the fair this year.
These two are pygmy goats, but Camy's will be quite big.

My youngest, Brandon has a new toy to work on in his back yard. Because I am a lover of all thing vintage and red, I got to have my picture taken with the 8 grands that were there. So this is my Mother's Day 2016 picture.

In 1956, on my 10th birthday, my Dad, Mom, sister and I left Illinois to make our home in California. We traveled in a 1956 Red and White Ford pickup pulling a Red and White 42 ft trailer.(I have a picture of that truck and trailer somewhere, but couldn't find it tonight.) Brandon's truck is a 1958 Ford. I guess it won my heart not only because it is red and vintage, but because it reminds me of a time long ago.



Creations By Cindy said...

Oh my...the joy you had with all your precious grandbabies! Loved looking at the pictures. And that RED truck...Oh yes....I'm in love! Hope you have a wonderful day Beverly. Hugs and blessings, Cindy

Tammy@T's Daily Treasures said...

Love that picture of you with the grand kiddos. There's vintage red Ford truck here that I walk by but sadly, no one is taking care of it. Such a shame as it has so much character.