Thursday, May 26, 2016


I really have been trying to post more often, but it just seems there is something always going on and time gets away from me.
I had great inspiration today to do a post about my granddaughter Lexi and her 8th grade graduation.
Lexi (Alexa Marie) is the 2nd daughter of my son Brandon and his wife Olivia. They have 6 total - 5 girls and one boy.
Last summer the whole family decided they would home school. Olivia was a trooper and did the work to home school a Kindergardner, a 2nd grader, a 4th grader, a 6th grader and Lexi who was in 8th grade.
Drew was in HS and wanted to continue there.
Two weeks before Christmas they all voted to go back to school except Lexi. She wanted to continue being home schooled. They were connected to Valley Oaks Charter School and she loved her time there too.
A few weeks ago she told me about her graduation and that it would be held at the Fox Theater downtown. She wanted to make a dress for it. So off we went to my favorite quilt store Strawberry Patches(ok, another blog post coming up about my happy place) to find fabric. I have taken the girls there since they were little to pick out fabric for special dresses and that's where Lexi wanted to go.
She has made a few things and started on her own, but needed help last week. I went and picked her up and we sewed at my house. I don't have to do any of the sewing, I'm just there for support if she needs it.

She wouldn't look up because she didn't have her makeup on. At 14 that consists of Mascara.
She tried it on and it is perfect. Again, I couldn't get her head because she didn't do her hair. She is so beautiful without makeup and her hair done, but try to tell a 14 yr. old that.
So today we went to graduation. I wish I could have gotten a picture with her in it of the Marque. This theater has been  refurbished and is an historic part of downtown Bakersfield.
Right after the program in the lobby. She made the little jacket too because she couldn't wear sleeveless in the ceremony.
Our family always goes to Rosemary's Ice Cream Parlor after special events, so sister Drew got some pictures of her  for me. I love that the decor matches her outfit. She will too when she sees this.
Did I tell you she did a professional job on this dress with side zipper, pleats and insisted on hand stitching the hem. (yep, she's her Mamaw's girl)
This girl is amazing and she knows just what she wants when it comes to sewing and wants to design her own clothes. She can sketch a picture of what she has in mind. You can't see it here, but the waistband has writing on it. She knew she wanted fabric with writing and there was no changing her mind. it was the perfect combination.

One more picture of a dress she made for the Nutcracker performance she was in last Christmas.
Again, she had something in mind and I helped her change the pattern to fit her design. I didn't sew a stitch on this. I supervised only.
She is a ballerina and loves dance. She just found out last week she would be "on point" now which I'm told is a big step up for a ballerina.

As I come to the end of this story of Lexi, I think I should feature each of my grands, one at a time as they all are so special in their own way.
Don't I just sound like a Grandma.


Corliss Neal said...

Loved your blog on Lexi. Yes she is an amazing young lady. Beautiful and so much talent. It's so wonderful you are there to mentor her sewing. My aunt made all my dresses when I was young and at 13 I was given a sewing machine to make my own clothes and also for my sister and mom. I appreciated my aunt so much for teaching me to sew and I know Lexi will always remember you when she is older and thinking of her mawmaw. Your talent is awesome Bev. You are very blessed and your grand daughters are blessed more to have you.

Beverly said...

Thanks Corliss. You and I are both blessed with wonderful grandkids. Did Justin tell you I got to meet his three at a ballgame a couple of weeks ago? I think it's our job as grandmas to pass down what we know and love. I'm sure you have passed down your love of horses and animals.

Unknown said...

I was looking forward to this post because know how amazing and beautiful Lexi is. Lexi is her Mamaw's granddaughter. I knew she would design and sew her own dress. She looked amazing. And I love her awareness to details and how she goes for it. Congratulations Lexi!

Dogmom Diva said...

What a beautiful young lady, so beautiful, confident and smart. I know all your grandchildren each hold a special place in your heart. I sewed my clothes when I was a teenager, some of them, anyway, but this gal can beat the socks of of my so called talent!

Yes, would love to see a feature on each of your special grands!! hugs, Barb

Nancy B said...

Hi, Beverly. I'm so impressed! Your granddaughter did a beautiful job on her dresses.
( spell check wouldn't let me spell her name) And I'm sure the inside is just as beautiful as the outside. She is so blessed to have you. Hope to see you again soon.


Creations By Cindy said...

Your precious Lexi is beautiful and that dress is darling! Hugs and blessings, Cindy

Annesphamily said...

Hi Beverly, what a precious girl Lexi is! Wow! So talented. Sue at CollectInTexas told me I should take up sewing again,a mean old nun who disliked me said I was too dumb to sew. My aunt Ang sewed all her own clothes are was so talented. My two older sisters too. Like my mother was , I am good at darning socks. My mom had a friend who sewed like a dream. She lived in Hollywood for many years sewing for the stars and designed for them until her mother got ill. She never went back and sewed for the neighbors instead. You could show her a picture and she could make it for you. Oh such talent. Sounds like Lexi has that talent. Beautiful photos and the dress is gorgeous. xo